Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) is an innovative therapeutic approach for trauma. It is a biological model designed to teach wellness skills. The skills help clients to regulate emotional and physical states and reprocess traumatic experiences. This model also teach clients how to read the sensations connected to their distress and trauma. Through the TRM, client can cultivate their sensory wellbeing which leads to better affect regulation and a renewed state of well being within the body. The Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) grew out the work first conceived by Elaine Miller-Karas and Geneie Everett in 2004. This model was developed for use by health care workers and community leaders exposed to traumatic experiences. The former verson of TRM was called Trauma First Aide (TFA). Laurie Leitch joined Elaine and helped in the development of Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) from Trauma First Aide.

This bottom-up somatic approach comprises nine skills that use sensory awareness for emotion regulation and integration. Body-based therapies may be more effective for trauma than currently used cognitive and exposure therapies. TRM teaches the biology of trauma responses and the practice of emotion regulation through biologically based skills. Trauma Resiliency Model helps manage processing problems.
The TRM is designed to teach skills to individuals and clinicians helping children and adults with traumatic stress reaction. This model teaches skills to help clients to connect with their inner resources and facilitate development of new resilient neural circuits. This approach to therapy uses both a bottom up as well as top down focus to addresses trauma. TRMuses nine skills to teach clients self-regulation. The first three skills including grounding, tracking and resourcing and help to create safety and regulation. The other skills include Gesturing or Spontaneous Movement, Help Now, Shift and Stay, Titration, Pendulation, and Completion of Survival Responses.