Personal Goals Statement Nursing. An aspect of the BSN nurse is the foundational Arts and Science courses. Students should be able to articulate goals and aspirations.

The purpose of this paper  and recording is to help you think through why you are taking this particular course. Also, how it fits in with your overall learning goals.

Prepare a paper (250-500 words) that identifies your personal goals for this course in specific and detailed terms.

Include a description of how you plan to meet your goals that is specified in a weekly time schedule corresponding to the academic term. If it helps, set weekly goals and a time schedule. The reference(s) may be from the book, a short quote that inspires you, a method of time management that works for you, etc with in-text citation.

Personal Goals Statement Nursing
Personal Goals Statement Nursing

Personal Goals Statement Nursing

(Successful completion of the assignment requires following directions, Adherence to APA formatting, recording you paper to poodle and turning in the assignment on time.)

Once you have written and uploaded your paper, record yourself stating your goals. State your first and last name, the title of the paper, read your goals from the paper, and save your recording. (If you have any trouble with the recording, send a help request to the service desk). Instructions for recording on Vocaroo are included in the the resources for week 1. The link to the recording should be in the comments section.

The assignment is an APA formatted paper posted to the discussion forum. It must have the  following: Times New Roman 12-point font, Cover page, header, 1” margins, no introduction nor conclusion, a quote, and a reference page. Use the template found in the resources for this assignment.)

If you are unsure about APA formatting please check with the Librarian, the instructor, or a trusted academic source

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