Health Care Negotiations Assignment. Class for your next paper be sure to watch the videos focused on end of life and answer the
following questions Rather than post to this week’s discussion please submit a 3-4 page paper -plus
references by August 8th.
Two video link:
Based on the two videos please answer the following:
1. Please explain and define positions, underlying interests and goals for the doctors and family member.
The position of the videos is that the wishes of a patient are respected and should be met.
The patient is a family man and had expressed his wish to his family members before his illness.
The man had written a living will and selected his daughter as his healthcare proxy to make
decisions in the event he is incapacitated. The patient did not want to die a horrible death but rest
comfortably. The interest of the patient’s family members is that he lives as long as he could. The
interest of both the doctor representing the ethics committee in the bad outcome scenario is to
give the patient a decent death. He states that giving the patient a decent death is consistent with
the wishes of the patient, as expressed in his living will.

2. How did the affect of each individual differ between the two videos?
In the bad outcome scenario, the doctor representing the ethics committee begins on a
very negative note. He mentions all the conditions that the patient has been diagnosed with,
including kidney failure, respiratory failure, and chronic hypoxia. The doctor later adds that it is
clear that the patient will not survive. The information confuses the patient’s daughter the more, especially after hearing that what the medics are doing is against her father’s wish. All that the doctors do in his scenario is to feed the family representative with irrelevant information instead
of discussing it. The patient’s daughter does not buy the doctors’ idea and expresses confidence
that her father will soon recover. The doctors take turns to convince the lady that her dad will not
come out of the hospital alive. They prioritize the financial burden that the patient might cause
the family other than trying to save his life.
3. What additional strategies would you recommend and why?
The patient referred to in the two outcomes appears to have terminal illnesses. He should,
therefore, be transferred to a palliative care center. The other recommendation is to provide family members with spiritual, social, and
physiological support. Family members should also be prepared psychologically that the patient
can die anytime. The third and last recommendation is to maximize the comfort of the patient.
4. Was the conflict resolved? If so-How? If not-Why?
The conflict between the patient’s family and health care workers was resolved. After a
lengthy discussion, the two parties agreed that the patient should stay alive and that a do-not-
resuscitate order (DNR) would be important. A DNR means allowing a patient to die a natural
death in the event his heart stops beating. In other words, the conflict was resolved by
considering both the ethical side and the family’s wishes. APA style