Origins of Crime; Crime is illegal activity or behavior that the government describes in its law as
unaccepted and illicit. A criminal is someone who breaks the rules of the government that guide
the conduct of its citizens. The constitution of any country defines many crimes and the
punishment it delivers to people who break the codes of conduct. Despite the laws
governing human conduct in many countries, criminal behavior continues to pose a challenge to
many nations’ legal systems. In recent years, many people continue to involve themselves in
illegal activities of different magnitudes. The judicial system has the jurisdiction to punish
people depending on the type and nature of the crime committed.
Origins of Crime
Some people can commit one crime in their lifetime, while others tend to undertake a
series of criminal acts in a short period. The study of criminology and criminal justice has
conducted scientific studies to understand why people choose criminal behavior.
Studies in criminal justice report that biological, developmental, and situational perspectives can
influence people into choosing criminal behavior. It is not easy for anyone to commit a crime or engage in illegal
conduct. You must have the courage and unique characteristics that can make you
ignore positive behavior and choose criminal acts. The perspectives and personalities of an
individual have a significant impact on their decision to select criminal acts.
The biological perspectives of human nature
The biological perspectives of human nature have a significant influence on their
cognitive capacity of choosing crime. The neurological, genetic, and physical characteristics determine where or not someone engages in criminal activity. A combination of biological and environmental factors that encourage crime can make someone choose criminal conduct. The theories of Positivist and determinism support the idea that if someone has criminal
characteristics in their genetic codes, they are likely going to engage in crime. Neurological
research also proves that individuals’ biological characteristics have a positive relationship with
their choice of crime.

Developmental and life-course perspectives influence the development of criminal
behavior. As people grow from childhood to adulthood, they undergo different life experiences
that can change criminal behavior. The experiences that children suffer in
childhood will affect their character in adulthood. If parents raise their children in places where
people engage in sexual abuse, theft, and murder, there is a higher chance that their children will
have the same characteristics when they grow old. Children born and raised by
criminal parents have the highest probability of engaging in illegal activities and taking crime as
a career. The longer you expose someone to criminal activity, the higher their chances of
copying those characteristics and choosing criminal behavior. APA style
The situational perspectives of crime
In criminology, the situational perspectives of crime are the immediate circumstances that
influence people into choosing criminal activities. The psychological characteristics of people
affect their cognitive capability when interpreting different situations in life. Human beings
strive to survive in nature and will use any opportunity to satisfy their needs. We live in a society
that supports one group of people and discriminates against others. Some people
get opportunities to achieve their lifetime dreams, while others face challenges that hinder them
from accomplishing their desires. Depending on the situation that affects an individual, they will
use the shortest way to get out of a hard situation. Many people will take different actions without measuring the consequences of their actions. In the civilized world, crime is always the easiest way to get out of a hard situation, especially if you can ignore the
consequences of crime. Aileen Wuornos is one of the criminals who experience situational
factors that made them choose to engage in criminal behavior. Origins of Crime