Marijuana use and its effects; Marijuana or cannabis is a drug that is obtained from the cannabis plant. It is the most
used illicit drug in the world. Consumption of marijuana activates the cannabinoid receptors
in the brain (Davis, 2018). This means that Marijuana is legal in states such as Illinois, New
York, New Jersey, Michigan, and Oklahoma and illegal in states such as Georgia, Alabama,
North Carolina, Texas, and Kentucky among others. Marijuana has been medically proven to
relieve pain and stress. For more
Short-term effects of marijuana use
The effects of marijuana may last for long hours because it contains concentrated
amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). As a matter of fact, the THC content has increased
with 300 percent since the 1960s (Davis, 2018). The effects include feeling happy and
reduced anxiety. Individuals develop extraordinary appetite when under the influence of
marijuana. Intoxicated individuals are also at high risk of causing accidents. Marijuana use impairs the ability of an individual to neither remember things nor perform at work (Davis, 2018). Marijuana use and its effects;
Long-term effects of marijuana use
Individuals who begin using marijuana as teenagers may develop impaired thinking,
memory loss, and impaired learning. Prolonged use of marijuana brings about breathing
problem as marijuana smoke cause lungs irritation. Marijuana use also increases the heartbeat
rate and this increases the risk of developing a heart attack (Davis, 2018). Expectant mothers
who smoke marijuana risk the lives of their unborn children. This is because unborn infants
might develop memory loss, attention problems, and inability to solve problems when
growing. Marijuana use and its effects;

As earlier mentioned substances abuse has both short-term and long term health
effects. It is, however, important t note that apart from the health concerns, substance abuse
affects other aspects of life such as finances, social, and work. Individuals who have
substance abuse disorders spend quite a lot of money on buying drugs (Houle et al., 2018).
The treatment of substance abuse disorder is extremely expensive. Substance abuse disorders
have a strong correlation with criminal activities and violence (Houle et al., 2018). This, in
turn, affects social relationships between substance abusers and other people. Individuals
with substance abuse disorders are also not as productive as their sober colleagues. This
makes them not productive at work and this increases the risk of layoffs or job termination.
Despite a series of legislations to prohibit substance use, the rate of substance abuse in
the United States is alarming. It is true that much has been done in ensuring that many
Americans are not entangled in this dangerous vice. However, much more needs to be done if the prevalence rate of substance use in America is to decrease. The media has made a major
stride in identifying areas that are more affected. The relevant authorities should, therefore,
use the published information to find solutions to people affected. The next section contains
evidence that relates to substance abuse. Marijuana use and its effects;