Factors that contributed to French revolution of 1789. The French Revolution was a an event in world history that took place between 1789 and and late 1790s. When this event took place France was under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte. During this period, French citizens changed their political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions entirely. One of the factors that contributed to this revolution was the social inequality. In the 1970s France was divided into three estates the clergy, the nobles, and the third estate. The third Estate was looked down upon by the other two estates thus it was not included in the positions of honor and political power. The third estate got angry and they came together to start the French revolution of 1789. Another factor that contributed to this revolution was the French monarchy extravagant lifestyle. For instance the remodeling of Versailles palace incurred a huge cost. These large expenditure led to economic crisis facing the nation. In return there was a National unrest leading to the revolution.

In addition tax burden on the third estate was another major Factor that led to the revolution. The first and the second estate in France owned 10% and 25% of the land respectively yet both were constituted of less than 10% of the population. Despite the fact that these estates were very rich they were exempted from paying many taxes and were allowed to collect dues from the third estate. This burdened the third estate causing unrest due to the unjust estate system hence the revolution.
Costly wars causing financial crisis was another major factor that contributed to the 1789 revolution. France participated in a series of expensive wars primarily against its long-term rival Great Britain. Louis XV, lost the Seven Years’ War against Britain and drew up a plan to avenge the loss. However, this only resulted in a mountain of debt which worsened the economic crisis pushing the country towards bankruptcy. In addition the rise in the cost of bread also contributed to the revoluti0n. Bread was the staple food for the most of the French citizen. Louis XVI worsened the situation by deregulation of grain market resulting to further increase on the bread prices. This led to further increasing the bread prices severely and in return the common French citizen resented the monarch system hence the revolution. APA