Cocaine use in the United States; Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that ups your levels of alertness, attention, and energy. You may hear it called a stimulant. It’s made from the coca plant, which is native to South America. It’s illegal in the U.S. Cocaine is a stimulant that causes the signals between the brain and body to move faster. It is made from the cocoa plant leaves and is only limited for medical use in the United States. It is sold either as a white powder that can dissolve in water or in liquid form (Benson, 2018). Although its abuse has remained stable since 2009 in the United State, a significant number of individuals still struggle with cocaine addiction. Studies reveal that the United States is the world’s largest consumer of cocaine. Cocaine use in the United States;

Cocaine use in the United States
Cocaine use in the United States

Short-term effects of cocaine use

Prolonged use of cocaine leads to violent behaviors. This means that violent acts are
more associated with cocaine use as they become irritated at the slightest provocation.
Cocaine increases body temperature, heartbeat rate, and blood pressure (Benson, 2018). They
are also extremely sensitive to sound, touch, and sight. The majority of cocaine users report a
paranoid feeling and have decreased appetite. Cocaine use in the United States;

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Long-term effects of cocaine use
Cocaine users will always have a running nose and often report loss of smell.
Additionally, cocaine users are at risk of developing lung complications or damage. Strong
and more frequent intake of cocaine can lead to the development of heart conditions such as
heart attack and stroke (Benson, 2018). Cocaine users have mood problems and are at risk of
contracting HIV due to shared needles. The use of cocaine also causes sexual dysfunction,
restlessness, and insomnia.

It comes in a few different forms. The most common is a fine, white powder. It can also be made into a solid rock crystal.

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