Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Marketing refers to activities undertaken by individuals or companies to promote the buying or selling of products or services. To achieve efficiency and effectiveness in marketing, individuals and companies employ various marketing strategies. Similarly, I have developed a strategy to market and secure mortgage referral sources, real estate agents, school connections, auto dealerships, […]
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false confession

A false confession is defined as admission of guilt for a crime which the confessing entity is not responsible (Frenda et al., 2016). More often people who do false confession do so voluntary, or are coerced to do so or are mentally incapacitated. Voluntary false confession describes individuals who confess out of their own will. […]
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What is Enlightenment? 

What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant defines enlightenment as a “man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity” Kleingeld, 2006 p, 17). Kant uses the term immaturity to mean “the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance from another” (Kleingeld, 2006 p, 17). He adds and says that the kind of immaturity he is referring to is “self-imposed […]
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Therapeutic progress

The outcome rating scale (ORS) is a measure used by patients to provide feedback on their perception regarding therapeutic progress (Low, Miller, & Squire, 2012). In other words, it is a tool used by patients to give instant feedback on what is working and what is not working in treatment. The ORS is an effective […]
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Frustrating nursing experience

Frustrating nursing experience; One of the frustrating experiences I have had during my nursing practice relates to intravenous (IV) insertion. This is when I failed to hit the vein in one shot during an intravenous (IV) insertion and my patient was a health professional. This experience left me very embarrassed and low-spirited. Significance of the […]
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Barrack Hussein Obama’s Leadership

Barrack Obama is the leader I admire and respect. Obama is an American politician affiliated to the Democratic Party. He was born on August 4, 1961 and served as the 44th president in the United States. He held the presidential office beginning January 2009 to January 2017. Obama served as president for two terms. Before […]
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Drug Abuse on Opioids

Drug Abuse on Opioids; Opioids are drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, morphine, codeine, and oxycodone that have chemicals that act in the nervous system to relieve pain or produce a feeling of pleasure. Individuals with opioid addiction report a compelling urge to use drugs even in times they longer require them. The National Institute of […]
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Outcomes of Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion that is felt by people when annoyed or frustrated by others. Although anger is often associated with negative outcomes such as slumming of doors, breaking of property, and throwing things, it can result in positive outcomes. I remember an instance where anger led to positive outcomes. This is what happened, […]
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The SOAP approach

The SOAP approach is a documentation technique employed by health care providers when writing notes in a patient’s chart and the admission note among other common formats. SOAP is an acronym for subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (Pearce et al., 2016). The subjective component of SOAP features elements such as chief complaint (CC), history of […]
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Effectiveness of Flibanserin drug

Effectiveness of Flibanserin drug The efficacy of Flibanserin drug has continued to produce heated debates since it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2015. Despite concerns from critics, Flibanserin was the only approved drug in the treatment of HSDD as of 2015 meaning that it is safe for consumption. Many studies […]
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