Qualitative research mainly addresses the “how” and “why” of human behavior through in-depth, narrative data. Quantitative research on the other hand entails measuring the “what” and analysis of statistical relationships through numeric data. Qualitative versus quantitative research can be a broad top in truth,they however share the primary aim of knowledge acquisition.

In terms of data collection, qualitative research includes observation, interviews, focus groups, while quantitative research includes experiments, polls, and questionnaires. When it comes to data analysis, qualitative research aims to arrange information to understand themes and insights while quantitative research focuses on identifying patterns through statistical analysis. Qualitative research results in narrative data while quantitative research results in numerical data. When it comes to research goals, One focuses on understanding certain phenomena in real-world situations while the latter entails causal or correlational relationships between various variables.
Some examples of qualitative research include; length, population, age, and weight. Examples of quantitative research include; smell, shape, color, taste, and feelings. As you can imagine, both have advantages and disadvantages. Some weaknesses of qualitative research may involve increased technical terms in methods sections instead of a clear account of how research and analysis happened, and conceptual frameworks with no implications. conversely, it is more targeted, captures new beliefs, and has fewer limitations. Weaknesses in quantitative research include; oversimplification of phenomena by reduction to a numerical value, hiders exploration of a new ideology, influence by researcher’s bias and not capturing the context and subjective experience of the individual. However, it provides statistical validity and reliability, generalization of results to larger populations, and provides objectivity through structured data collection and analysis.
Application of qualitative analysis may include; social sciences, market research, and anthropology. Quantitative research involves economics, psychology, and market research. in practice, both are combined to provide comprehensiveness.