Theory of planned behavior (TPB)

The Theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a psychological theory that predicts an individual’s intention to engage in a behavior at a given point in time and place. The theory intends to explain the exertion of self-control through the study of behavior. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) majors in components such as perceived behavioral […]
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The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act is a health insurance legislation enacted in 2010 under the Obama administration. It focuses on expanding Medicaid eligibility to low-income individuals and families and raising the income threshold for Medicaid eligibility. Additionally, the policiy established Health Insurance Marketplaces which allow individuals and small businesses to compare and purchase insurance plans. The […]
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Deutsche Lufthansa

Lufthansa or Deutsche Lufthansa AG is the flag carrier and the largest airline in Germany. It is the second in Europe by passengers carried and the fourth largest in the world by revenue. Lufthansa was founded in 1953 and commenced operations in April 1955. It does not only operate its own airline but also owns […]
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Qualitative versus quantitative research

Qualitative research mainly addresses the “how” and “why” of human behavior through in-depth, narrative data. Quantitative research on the other hand entails measuring the “what” and analysis of statistical relationships through numeric data. Qualitative versus quantitative research can be a broad top in truth,they however share the primary aim of  knowledge acquisition. In terms of […]
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Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory is a behavioral economics and behavioral finance theory formulated by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in 1979. The theory argues that individuals value losses and gains differently that is why they make decisions based on perceived gains instead of perceived losse. It assumes given two choices, both equal, but one with potential gains […]
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Contingency Theory

Contingency Theory is an organizational theory positing that there is no universally agreed best way to organize, lead, decide or solve a problem. Instead, the most optimal course of action depends on the internal and external situation. The theory was developed by theorists such as Fred Fiedler, Jay Lorsch, Paul Lawrence and Joan Woodward. Contingency […]
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The American Piedmont

The American Piedmont is Virginia’s largest region with beautiful rivers, waterfalls, and falls, extending from Pennsylvania to Alabama. Piedmont region has a unique geography that has strongly affected its history and economy over time. The “Fall Line” runs through the port cities, including Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Richmond, and Petersburg. The region’s bedrock is part of the […]
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How effective are antidepressants?

Antidepressants are medications prescribed to reduce symptoms of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Antidepressants were invented in the 1950s and their mechanism of action is replenishing the neurotransmitters or correcting the chemical imbalance. Research evidence suggests that antidepressant treatments act by inducing neuroplastic changes in the brain. In other words, […]
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Are children a vulnerable popultion?

A vulnerable population means a group of people who are at an increased risk of developing health problems and health disparities. The factors that influence vulnerability include historical, political, cultural, institutional, and natural resource processes, which shape people’s lives and lifestyles. Other factors that make individuals and groups more vulnerabille include race, religion, age, gender, […]
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Cultural competence benefits

Cultural competence is the ability to interact and communicate with people from different cultures easily. It entails; respect during communication, acceptance, and adaptation to other people’s cultures, awareness of one’s own culture and beliefs, Accepting skills, knowledge, and talents, and accepting and celebrating other people: ‘s success. As people within an area become more diverse, […]
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Postpartum depression and Social support

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mood condition that occurs usually after childbirth in both men and women. PPD is caused mainly by hormonal changes genetic predisposition, and environmental factors. Some of the symptoms associated with this condition include; Irritability, Anxiety, Change in eating and sleeping schedules, Withdrawal from family and friends, loss of energy, […]
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Applied Vs basic research

Basic research is the research conducted with the aim of expanding the level of knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles. It does not seek to profer immediate solutions to problems not is it for immediate practical applications. The aim of basic research is to gain new information, develop theories, and concepts that can contribute to […]
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Natural disaster

A natural disaster is a harmful impact on the environment following a natural hazard event or disaster. It is also a catastrophic event triggered by natural processes of the Earth. Examples of natural disasters include earthquakes, droughts, volcanic activity, floods, landslides, and wildfires. Others ,include ice storms, firestorms, blizzards, thunderstorms, dust storms, hails, sinkholes, and […]
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Workplace Violence in Healthcare

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health defines WPV defined workplace violence as an act or threat of violence on a spectrum that ranges from verbal abuse to physical and even lethal assault towards persons at work or on duty. it affects healthcare workers across various settings, including hospitals, clinics, emergency services, and long-term […]
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