The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health defines WPV defined workplace violence as an act or threat of violence on a spectrum that ranges from verbal abuse to physical and even lethal assault towards persons at work or on duty. it affects healthcare workers across various settings, including hospitals, clinics, emergency services, and long-term care facilities. The cases of workplace violence and abuse incraesed significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic against health care workers. Workplace violence has severe consequences for the entire health care system, including physical and psychological injury. It affects the delivery of quality patient care, reduces patient satisfaction, reduced employee productivity, and increased risk of potential for adverse medical events.

Worklace violence is caused by various factors, including high-stress environment, which can escalate tensions. There is also a strong relationship between mental health and substance abuse. Patients under the influence of drugs or alcohol are at an increased risk of aggressive behavior. Besides, it is triggered by scramble againts limited resources, which increases frustration and aggression among patients and visitors. Moreover, lack of formal training is another cause this problem since healthcare professionals are not equiped to handle violent situations. Additionally, violence in healthcare organizations can be as a result of long wait times, which increase frustration and aggression among patients and visitors.
The negative impacts of workplace violence in healthcare can be managed using various protocols and methods. For instance, workplace violence prevention programs such as policies, reporting systems, and response procedures for incidents of violence. Also, workplace violence can be addressed using healthcare training programs and de-escalation techniques. Besides, imporving the level of communication can help prevent violent situations. Moreover, healthcare organizations can reduce workplace violence by implementing secure access points, creating escape routes, and using surveillance cameras to enhance security.