Essay 5
Who Am I What Am I Politically?
This essay and possible final examination assignment requires that you provide an insightful self-analysis based on The OCEAN five factor personality assessment, the need for closure and the Mooney video.
First, summarize the main points of the video.
Second, address the following: Does the pattern you display predict whether you are conservative or progressive (liberal)?
Since you have seen Chris Mooney’s video relating conservatism and personality traits to political orientation, is he right? Be specific! Offer more than just an opinion. Your self-evaluation should have a strong foundation and contain a minimum of 800 words!
You’ll find the Mooney video link in course documents. The personality tests are listed there too. There are additional test links in the folder, the implicit bias and RWA scales (right wing authoritarian)
Recognizing the sensitive nature of implicit bias, and Right Wing Authoritarian scales, you do not have to report those results as part of the essay self assessment, i.e., use only the results from the Big Five and the need for closure. Please do take these additional tests! They offer you the rare opportunity to more deeply explore your political beliefs!

Essay 6
- Summarize my video presentation on this topic.
- Summarize the video on scientific racism
- Summarize the video on Genocide: Worst than War
(Hint: Demonstrate that you watched the entire video, including material from beginning, middle, and end!)
Define nationalism, racism, and Genocide.
Third: Select 4 of the theories below and explain them, provide an example of each theory you select.
Realistic Group Conflict,
Social Identify,
Social dominance,
This essay 7 is based on material in the course document folder titled “Are We Hard Wired”
Review each of the video presentations in the folder Are We Hardwired…
Read the PDF article This Is Your Brain on Nationalism The Biology of Us and Them
Summarize each of the video presentations (they’re not very long). Make time references in the video when elaborating.
(Hint: don’t over summarize or be too general!)
Summarize the main points in the PDF article.
Do you agree with Sapolsky’s position? Explain.
Make sure you address every part of this essay! Omissions can cost you points (Prepare an outline!)
There are numerous videos and a PDF file, all of which require review and summary! APA