1. If you were an HR executive at Wegmans, would you focus more on internal recruiting or on external recruiting? Would your strategy for higher-level positions differ from your strategy for lower-level positions? How would current economic conditions influence your strategy?

Wegmans Food Market, Inc. is a supermarket chain that is family owned. Its headquarters
are based in Rochester, New York, United States. Wegmans was founded in the year 1916 by
John Wegman and Walter Wegman. As of October 2019, Wegmans had 101 stores. This paper
aims at discussing internal recruitment at Wegmans, recruitment strategies, employee
development program, and the most appropriate performance appraisal method. Wegmans Food Market, Inc.
If I was a Human Resource executive at Wegmans, I would focus more on internal
recruiting. Internal recruitment is the process by which a job vacancy is filled by an employee in
the same organization though promotion or transfer from one job to another (Muscalu, 2015). Order 

Wegmans Food Market
Wegmans Food Market

One of the reasons as to why I would choose internal recruitment is that it motivates other
employees. Through internal recruitment, other employees tend to raise their efforts so that their
results also improve for future considerations. Besides, Wegmans could save both time and
finances though internal recruitment which could have otherwise been spent to orient and mentor
new employees (Muscalu, 2015). Unlike external recruitment, Wegmans could also minimize the
possibility of attracting incompetent employees as internal employees are well known to me as
the HR executive. Internal promotion could also increase the employee’s sense of belonging to
the Wegmans (Muscalu, 2015). Wegmans Food Market, Inc. Read More
My recruiting strategy for higher-level positions would differ from that of low-level
positions. Given the role of higher-level positions in Wegmans, I would use the strategy of
recruiting from internal sources. This is where the job position is publicized to employees so that
any employee who meets the requirements can apply. Higher-level positions are critical and
require candidates who have a wide understanding of Wegmans' strengths, weaknesses, culture, and people. For lower-level positions however, I would use strategies such as posting vacancies
strategy which is attracts both employees in Wegmans as well as new candidates, recruiting from
external sources strategy, college recruitment strategy, on-line application strategy, or job fairs
strategy among others. Wegmans Food Market, Inc.
The current economic condition of Wegmans could influence my strategy positively. This
is true as Wegmans can achieve efficiency by transferring existing employees manage new stores
and recruiting externally employees to work in low-level positions. Wegmans Food Market, Inc.

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