Universal Health Coverage: Access for All

Universal Health Coverage: Access for All

Universal health coverage means providing access to quality health care services to all
people without exposing them to financial hardships., According to the World Health
Organization universal health care coverage means a situation where all individuals and
communities in a county receive quality health services without exposing them to financial
hardships (WHO, 2020). Some of the services that are covered by health insurance include health
promotion and prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care (WHO, 2020).

2014 and 2019, all citizens of the United States needed to have a health insurance cover (Collins,
Bhupal, and Doty, 2019). If an American citizen did not purchase the insurance cover, he or she
would pay a penalty of 2.5 percent of their yearly household income (Medical Billing and
Coding Certification, 2020). This is irrespective of whether the payer was in perfect health or he
goes to the hospital on occasion. This paper attempts to answer the question, if I am perfectly
healthy and never go to the hospital, why would I pay for something that I have yet to use?

Universal Health Coverage: Access for All

Universal Health Coverage: Access for AllCountries provide health care coverage to prevent poverty (WHO, 2020). Without it, patients may deplete their savings, sell assets, or incur debt. This situation jeopardizes their children’s future. Therefore, Health care coverage is not free. Residents must pay an upfront premium to an insurance company. This arrangement is a contract between the insurer and the individual. The individual pays a monthly or annual fee. In return, the insurance company covers financial needs if the individual falls ill. In the United States, there are two types of health insurance: public and private (Sohn & Jung, 2016). Private plans are offered by employers, while public plans are provided by the government or non-profit agencies. APA

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