Training Knowledge transfer to Workplaces; This article defines training as a process through which a new set of skills and attitudes are acquired. The training programs are developed to provide individuals with instructions that are related to job tasks. Fatima and Siddiqui (2020) posited that training is needed during the orientation of new employees with the organization’s goals. The authors examined the factors that can influence the effectiveness of On-The-Job training at workplaces in Pakistan. Fatima and Siddiqui (2020) used independent variables such as perceived organizational support, training design, and motivation to learn. However, this study did not look at other related variables so that future researchers could replicate their study. The published data reviewed by the authors indicate that the trainees benefit more from the training when it is provided in diversified ways.

The study adopted a qualitative research approach, and data were collected using structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the 200 individuals selected to act as respondents. A sample size of 200 is too small, considering the population of Pakistan. The respondents were selected using a convenience sampling technique throughout Pakistan. The sampling method used by the authors is not the most effective because it results in bias. Fatima and Siddiqui (2020) used smart PLS software to analyze the data collected. The study found that the transfer of OJT training plays a critical role in determining workplace training effectiveness. A significant relationship between motivation to learn and transfer of OJT training at workplaces in Pakistan was observed. The same was noted concerning training design. However, Fatima and Siddiqui (2020) did not find any significant correlation between perceived organizational support and OJT training. Training Knowledge transfer to Workplaces
Mourakani, G. S., Daneshmandi, S., Maleki, H., & Sadeghi, M. S. (2015). Studying the Status of Transfer of Training to Workplace: Case Study. Training & Development Journal, 6(1), 36-49. DOI: 10.5958/2231-069X.2015.00005.0
Continuous promotion of knowledge and skills is one of the most crucial career tasks needed to accomplish tasks. Leaders of corporate organizations are continuously looking for ways to apply educational strategies in their workplaces. This is done to facilitate increased employee performance, which results in profit maximization. Mourakani et al. (2015) examined how effective the knowledge acquired from training is transferred to the workplace. The personal and organizational factors influence the level of knowledge transferred to workplaces. However, the study might not have accurate results as it had replicability and bias. The authors adopted a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Read more
Mourakani et al. (2015) used to survey and interview methods of data collection. The study also used self-reported questionnaires, and this might have caused biased results. The authors used a sample size of 282 individuals of 2 district municipalities selected through simple random sampling method. However, data collected from people in two municipalities cannot adequately represent the entire population. The data was analyzed using a single-group t statistical method. The authors found that the transfer of knowledge from employees to Tehran municipality is between average and high. It was also noted that personal and organizational factors play a crucial role in the transfer of knowledge acquired during training to the workplace. This means that individual and corporate factors are responsible for the ineffective transition and transfer of knowledge to workplaces. The study is limited as it does not provide information regarding the transmission of training to workplaces in different settings. Training Knowledge transfer to Workplaces;