Tiered Sponsorship in Sports. Adidas and the World Cup is an example of sponsorship in the area of sports that seems
to a specific marketing benefit. Adidas has been the main sponsor of the FIFA World Cup for
over 40 years now. The two organizations have had a long working relationship. This began in
2014 when Adidas gave out a soccer ball that would latter create a twitter account identified as
“Brazuca.” The account was used to sell the technology behind the ball’s creation. The account
also tweeted on Adidas-sponsored competitions in the world and the results of the tournament
Benefits offered by Adidas to FIFA World Cup
It is estimated that it cost Adidas $800 million each year to become the leading partner of
the FIFA World Cup.
Adidas also provides the World Cup with the official match ball.
The partnership provides Adidas with an opportunity to be involved in other FIFA

The partnership provides Adidas with specific marketing benefits
One of them is that it provides Adidas with broad licensing and marketing rights. One of
the ways FIFA helps Adidas to market is through adverts screens erected in stadiums
during matches.
The partnership benefits Adidas by promoting its brand image globally.
The partnership also provides Adidas with the right to produce official World Cup match
Critique overall
The relationship between the two organization goes beyond sponsorship; it is also a
partnership. This means that the two organizations mutually benefit from the sponsorship
program. In my opinion, the value that Adidas is receiving from the partnership is way lower
than the value it offers. This is because Adidas has signed a contract to give FIFA World Cup a
sum total of $800 million whether it makes sales out of the brand image or not. Additionally,
Adidas is already a famous brand. Therefore, nothing much could change if Adidas stopped
sponsoring the World Cup.