The theory of human caring argues that caring is the moral ideal of nursing whereby the end is protection, enhancement, and preservation of human dignity. The nursing theorist Jean Watson also developed the ‘caritas’ processes in support of this theory. According to the theory, caring begins with being present, open to compassion, mercy, gentleness, loving kindness, and equanimity toward and with self before one can offer compassionate care to others. The theory of human caring is guided by the following Caritas Processes;
- Practicing loving-kindness toward self and others
- Being authentically present
- Cultivating one’s own spiritual practices; deepening self-awareness
- Developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring relationship
- Being supportive of the expression of positive and negative feelings
- Creative use of self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process
- Engaging in genuine teaching-learning experiences within context of caring relationship – attend to whole person
- Creating healing environment at all levels
- Reverentially and respectfully assisting with basic needs
- Attending to spiritual, mysterious, unknown dimensions of life-death-suffering; “allowing for a miracle”

Watson observed the effect of authentic caring on patients and the resultant health outcomes. She is known for her many published works on the philosophy and theory of human caring and the art and science of caring in nursing. Watson’s theories are taught in nursing schools around the world. Watson in her 2006 work noted the absence or separation of caring from the care environment. Watson argued that caring and economics, and caring and administrative practices often conflict with each other. Watson’s theory emphasizes the reason why nurses were attracted to the profession. That is, nurses are drawn to the human side of nursing and believe in the positive effect of human caring on health outcomes. Stated plainly, Watson notes “Any profession that loses its values becomes heartless; any profession that becomes heartless becomes soulless. Any profession that becomes heartless and soulless, becomes [Worthless]”. Theory of human caring APA