The writing process refers to the steps that one goes through between brainstorming and publishing a writing piece. The writing process has five steps; brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. This paper aims to discuss the five steps, mention the two most important pieces of information I learned from this course, and discuss how I can use them to write assignments in the future.
Describe your writing process in at least one paragraph. This will vary from person to person.
Brainstorming is the first stage of the writing process. This is where a writer develops as many ideas as possible, gathers information, and develops an outline. Drafting is the second stage and involves combining ideas to form meaningful sentences and paragraphs. This is just but a draft and is not expected to be accurate or to be in the precise requirements. The third stage of the writing process is revision. The stage entails rearranging sentences and paragraphs, adding more contents, or deleting what seems irrelevant. Editing is the fourth stage of the writing process and entails proofreading the content and correcting grammatical and mechanics errors.
The editing stage aims to improve the paper’s writing style and clarity. Publishing is the final stage, which involves the submission of a piece of writing to the publisher.

From this course, what are the two most important pieces of information that you have learned? And, how can you apply them to writing assignments in future classes or your future career?
From this course, the two most important pieces of information I learned include brainstorming and editing. In my future writing assignments, I will use what I learned about the brainstorming stage to develop as much information as possible about a topic to select the best. The information I learned about editing will help me to ensure that my paper is in the best shape before submission. In other words, the paper is devoid of grammatical mistakes. MLA Style