The choice theory strongly believes that the only real control that people have is over themselves and everything they do in an attempt to meet one or more basic needs. Itwas developed by Dr. William Glasser in 1965 with the goal of empowering individuals and improving relationships. The basic needs include survival, love, belonging, fun, freedom, and power. Choice and Reality theory

Choice and Reality theory
Choice and Reality theory

Choice therapy is less concerned with the actual mental health diagnosis but aims to help people control their own lives and improve by learning to make better choices. The choice theory proposes that people can take control of their lives by taking more responsibility for their actions.

Reality therapy views all behaviors as choices notwithstanding the mental health conditions. It argued that psychological symptoms occur not because of a mental health condition but due to people choosing behaviors to fulfill their needs.

This theory is based on the idea that human beings strive to fulfill one or more of the five important needs, including survival, love and belonging, fun, freedom, and power. Also, Glasser sees behavior as choices and teaches people that although they cannot control how they feel, they can control how they think and behave. The therapy encourages people to choose more desirable actions that enable people to connect with others. It also helps people accept responsibility for their behaviors.

One of the techniques of reality therapy is comparing places. This is the act of mentally comparing what one wants against what they have. According to Glasser’s arguments, the closer the wants are to the perceived world, the better a person feels. The other technique is the external vs. internal control psychology, which believes that the choices people make are consistent with the quality of information at their disposal. Everyone has a quality world in their minds APA

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