Company Analysis:
At this stage of the term project the Company Analysis – these companies Airlines (American, Air France, and Emirates), are analyzed (compared and contrasted) in terms of their focus, success and challenges with sustainability, including both their social performance and their environmental performance. Term Project Company Analysis assignment
Specific issues to consider are identified as “Areas” on the following Social and Environmental Performance Comparison Chart. Use these as the headings in your Company Analysis.
For each area, describe what each firm is doing (or not doing) with respect to the specific issue. Each section should conclude with a brief analytical summary in which you compare and contrast the three businesses on their performance in the area.
Conclude your Organizational Analysis with recommendations for improvements for each firm, in light of their current social and environmental performance, as defined by what you found when you compared the three businesses on the Areas identified on the chart below. Be sure to:
- Compare and contrast the data and information found in each firm’s Annual Sustainability Reports or equivalents.
- Where available, use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ( to compare/contrast the social and environmental reporting of your firms. Compare at the Aspect level, not at the Indicator level.
- Use sources for your analysis in addition to the firm’s Annual Sustainability Report (which may give you a biased view of what the company is doing). Include and cite (using APA citation and reference style) at least 15 of these sources from the business press, trade journals, etc. to help build an objective picture of the social and environmental performance of your companies.
- Adapt the “Social and Environmental Performance Comparison Chart” (below) to help structure your comparison of the social and environmental strategies and performance of your firms (i.e., use the terms in the left column as headings in your report.) The chart may be included as an appendix but is not necessarily a template that can be used for your report. All areas on the chart must, however, be included in your report.

Areas to discuss below with some question to help you:
-Value Chain Integration (Porter)
Is the firm adopting a Porter & Kramer approach throughout their value chain? How?
-Pierce & Doh strategic initiatives
Has the firm adopted a Pierce & Doh approach? How appropriate is it for the firm? Do the systemic issues the firm focuses upon ‘fit’ the organization?
-CSR Leadership in Industry
In what areas is your firm leading the industry in terms of social and/or environment performance? Has the firm been particularly innovative in one or more areas?
What does the firm need to focus on in the future in terms of their social and environmental performance?