Telephone Triage system is a process that uses phones to assess a patient’s health state and determine to appropriate level of care.  Triage is the act of priorotizing a patient’s care. This system is important, especially in making appointments. The doctor calls patients and assesses whether the patients’s conditions require a physical treatment.

Telephone Triage system

Telephone Triage systemTelephone triage systems works in that physicians are able to; assess patient syptoms,determine the level of urgency. It also helps to assess whether a physical treatment is necessary,  provide selfcare advice to patients, and make appointments.

Why is telephone triage system effective?

A doctor or medical expert uses this system to; determine the level of urgency, provide self-care advice if appropriate.Physcians also assess patients’ symptoms, and make appointments. Some of the benefits of telephone ; helps patients feel more satisfied with the health care provided.It also reduces pressure on services and provides safetly just as a face to face comfronation.

What is the telephone triage assessment tool?

A risk assessment tool is a 24 hour adivce line that uses a Red, amber and green (RAG) system to priorize an identify the current problem a patient maybe be having.

How to phone triage?

How to phone triage is a very important question especially where nurses are concerned. It entails; introducing yourself and establishing a rapport, conducting the interview, making a good decision using an established method. Finally, offering advice, and documenting the call would conclude the process.

What skills are needed to perform a phone triage?

Telephone triage requires skills such as assimilation, collation and prioritising a bulk of information. Also the ability to listen and respond accordingly. Finally, critical thinking which is very difficult to assess and achieve. Therfore common sense, fast thinking and awareness is required inorder to succeessfully perform a phone triage.



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