How telehealth impacts RN’s role? ,Share with the class how telehealth and/or technology impacts your role as a RN now and then how you envision telehealth and/or technology being used in your future role as an APRN?
How telehealth impacts RN’s role?
Telehealth has numerous impacts on the role a RN now. First, Telehealth increases
the focus on patient care and consequently, satisfaction. Second, Telehealth increases patient engagement as it enables me and my patients to
maintain check-up appointments and health care schedules. The
technology also increases patient engagement by making it easier for patients to contact their
physicians in case of health concerns and warning signs. Thirdly, telehealth technology provides easier access to professional care for patients. Lastly, the electronic health records are used for patient charting.
I envision that telehealth technology will significantly help me in the identification of gaps in health care delivery
Additionally, the technology might help me assess and evaluate various strategies that aim to improve health care services delivery. The technology might also help me in enhancing the safety of patients in health care facilities.
What organizations might you think about participating in as an APRN?
Some of the organizations that I am thinking of participating in as an advanced practice
registered nurse include Eisenhower Medical Center, Sharp Memorial Hospital, and Torrance
Memorial Medical Center. I prefer the three hospitals because they were ranked among the10
best health care facilities in California for nurses in 2017. The mentioned health
care facilities have amazing technology, great teamwork, knowledgeable staff, and employee
training programs.

What nursing certifications are you considering?
The nursing certification that I am considering as an APRN is the clinical nurse specialist
(CNS). Considerations of advancing my education to pursue a graduate degree are consistent
with my plans. This is because advancing my education will equip me with the skills and
techniques necessary for improving patient care quality.
Now that the course is coming to conclusion, how might consideration of continuing your education to pursue a graduate degree fit into your future plans? APA style