Academic success depends on the ability of students to write strong, engaging, and effective discussion posts. This blog posts provides key success hacks to elevate your discussion posts.

i) Detailed introduction

Begin your discussion post with a strong introduction, preferably about 10% the length of your paper. An introduction can be an interesting story, presentation of facts, or vivid description of a scene. It can also be definition of terms and general overview of the subject matter or some controversial statements. An introduction should end with a thesis statement – describing what the readers expect to see in the rest of the paper.

Success hacks in writing discussions
Success hacks in writing discussions

ii) Back-up arguments with evidence

A professionally written paper should have references done in the required format. Students should learn to backup their arguments with peer reviewed journal articles as references. This helps to make arguments stronger and more compelling.

iii) Timeliness

Students who score higher in discussions must complete their work ahead of deadlines. This gives them ample time to review their work and make adjustments as need be. It also enables students to complete peer responses if needed within the right time. You will agree with me that many students complete assignments the night before they are due. If you do this, chances are high that you will miss out on one or more requirements as you will be doing the work on a rush. Complete your discussions at least 7 days before due date.

iv) Follow the grading rubric

The grading rubric provides the professor’s expectations and how they will award marks. Most of the students do not pay attention to the grading criteria and end up losing marks. Before you start the discussion, look at the grading rubric and confirm the exerminer’s expectations. Refer to the grading criteria regularly.

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