Conflict is defined as a serious disagreement or argument that lasts longer than necessary.
Conflicts result from individuals or groups with different beliefs, attitudes, opinions, or needs.
Although people view conflict as harmful and damaging, it is sometimes inevitable as it has both
advantages and disadvantages. This paper will discuss my preferred styles of dealing with
conflict, their advantages, and their drawbacks. Styles of Conflict Resolution

One of my preferred styles of dealing with conflict is avoiding it. The advantage of
avoiding conflict is that it can be significantly helpful if engaging in it would not produce the
desired outcome (Tandler et al., 2020). Additionally, avoidance of conflict can be used to solve
short-term goals. However, the limitation of avoiding conflict is that it may affect the
achievement of long-term goals. It may also create tension, which in turn can influence a blow-
out argument.
The second conflict style that I prefer is giving in or accommodating, making peace, and
forging forward. The advantage of this style is that conflict is quickly solved, and that helps
achieve short-term goals (Tandler et al., 2020). Additionally, it is useful when the conflict
involves personal differences. However, this style can bring about hostility and resentment
towards the person using it. It is not always possible to accommodate the negative behaviors of
others. Styles of Conflict Resolution
My third preferred conflict resolution style is collaboration. It involves listening to the
other party’s side and ensuring that the parties understand each other (Tandler et al., 2020). This
style’s advantage is that it makes all the parties involved in the conflict feel valued and
understood. Secondly, it makes it easier for the parties to solve their differences. This is because it invites all the parties to deal with the problem and recommend possible solutions. The only
limitation of this style is that it is time-consuming and requires a lot of energy to solve a conflict.
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