Steve Evans and Sandy City’s ordinance. I have to write 7 pages of opinion as a Supreme Court Justice on the case. Whether as a supreme court justice I believe that the ordinance did or did not violate his first amendment. Have to use different tests and cases to justify your opinion. Papers will be graded primarily on the strength of the argument presented. The best papers will demonstrate significant legal research and an ability to apply the extant case law to the topic at hand. Papers should be logically structured and comprehensive, and the best papers will demonstrate imagination, creativity, and extensive research. In addition, papers should utilize proper forms of legal citation (to be discussed in class). Finally, points will be deducted for spelling and grammatical errors. Papers that do little more than the minimum required will receive lower grades than papers that demonstrate more effort and thought.

Steve Evans and Sandy City’s ordinance
Steve Evans and Sandy City’s ordinance

Steve Evans and Sandy City’s ordinance

Evans v. Sandy City, Utah Steve Evans is a homeless man who solicits money from drivers while standing in the medians at intersections.  He was arrested for violating Sandy City’s ordinance that prohibits standing or sitting on or in unpaved or narrow medians. He argues that this ordinance violates the free speech clause of the First Amendment.

This essay may be a little hard. You basically have to write a concurring or dissenting opinion, whether the case violates the defendant’s first amendment rights or not. Prof wants students to use to use legal precedent cases to back up the opinion as well as legal test. Please let me know if you have any questions or clairifcations.

Type: Case Study
Service: Writing
Pages: 7 pages / 1925 words (Double spacing)
Level: College
Language: English (US)
Topic: Your opinion on a case as a Supreme Court Justice
Subject: Political Science
Sources: 4 sources required

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