Statistical Methods for Scholarly Evaluation
Week 1: Introduction to course and Statistical Methods (100 points)
Weekly Assignment: Narrative description of statistical methods that will be used to evaluate the outcomes of the scholarly project. The student will write a 1-2 page narrative outlining the statistical methods that will be used to evaluate the outcomes of the scholarly project. This narrative should include 1) outcome(s) that will be measured with description of each outcome (define each outcome); 2) statistical method that will be used to measure the outcome(s); 3) statistical assistance needed (i.e., SPSS, Excel, statistician, etc.); and 4) any anticipated barriers to data analysis. (CO 1)
75 points: Student completed the 1-2 page narrative, following the assignment description, outlining the statistical methods that will be used to evaluate the outcomes of the scholarly project.
0 points: Students did not complete the 1-2 page narrative or did not follow the assignment description.
In this assignment, students will write a 1-2 page narrative outlining the statistical methods that will be used to evaluate the outcomes of their scholarly project. This narrative should comprehensively cover the following components:
Outcomes to be Measured:
- Clearly define each outcome that will be assessed in the project. For example, if the project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a new nursing intervention, outcomes may include patient satisfaction scores, clinical improvement metrics, or readmission rates. Each outcome should be described in detail, explaining its relevance to the project and how it will be measured.
- Statistical Methods:
- Identify the statistical methods that will be employed to assess each outcome. This may include descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode), inferential statistics (t-tests, ANOVA, regression analysis), or other relevant techniques. Provide a rationale for the chosen methods, explaining why they are appropriate for the specific outcomes and how they will contribute to the overall evaluation of the project.
- Statistical Assistance Needed:
- Discuss any tools or assistance required for data analysis. This may include software such as SPSS, Excel, or R, or the involvement of a statistician for more complex analyses. Clearly outline what support will be necessary to ensure accurate and effective data evaluation.
- Anticipated Barriers to Data Analysis:
- Identify and discuss any potential challenges that may arise during data analysis. This could include issues such as data collection difficulties, insufficient sample size, or technical challenges with software. Addressing these barriers in advance will help in developing strategies to mitigate them and ensure the integrity of the analysis. APA