Special education means the practice of educating students with disability in a manner
that helps overcome their special needs. Special education may also mean interventions that help
eliminate the obstacles that keep students with disability from learning. The primary aim of
special education is to ensure that students with disability are given the necessary support to
achieve their full academic potential. As a special education teacher, I am working with ninth
grade level who need help in mathematics and English. In this paper, I will discuss the most
effective way to structure the class so that the needs of all students are met in a timely manner.

Special education
Special education

Part 1: Teacher Inquiries
Questions I would have about my teaching assignment before it begins?
I would ask self the following questions;
What different will I do to help students achieve their academic needs?
effective would my teaching be to each of the learner? How long would it take for each student
to learn the assignment concept?
As a first-time special education teacher, would I be able to meet the expectations of the
With these questions, it would be prudent to request for additional information from colleagues.
Therefore, I would ask fellow teachers and administration the below questions.
Does each student have a unique need or do they all have similar academic needs?
In the event that one student takes longer to understand a concept than the others, how do you as
teachers manage to balance off?

Having been special education teachers for quite some time, what advice would you give a first-
year teacher?
Is there something to smile about taking special education lessons? Or rather what are the
challenges you face and how do you overcome them?
How can you compare helping students with disability complete their assignment and helping
normal students do the same?
Why did you choose to work with students with special needs and what do you hope to
contribute to their academic life? APA

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