Social constructivism theory of learning emphasizes how individuals construct knowledge through social interactions and experiences. It argues that knowledge
develops or learning happens through social interactions and the use of language. It is thus wise to conclude that learning is a shared rather than an individual experience. As such, individuals should be encouraged to try and even make mistakes rather than minimizing or even avoiding them. Change of behavior is to a great extent influenced by interpersonal interactions and discussions. This theory believess that learning is an active process but highlights the role of culture, language, and collaboration in shaping understanding.

Social constructivism theory of learning
Social constructivism theory of learning

The first key principle of the Social constructivism theory of learning is that learning in its purest form is social. This means that knowledge is created through interactions with others such as peers, teachers, mentors. Understanding is greatly enhanced through collaboration and discussion. The second principle in this theory is scaffolding often called the Zone of Proximal Development. This implies that individuals develop skills better with guidance from a more knowledgeable person. There is need to provide tempor support until learners gain independence. The next principle in this theory is that language plays a critical role in shapes thought. This is to mean that language and culture helps to mediate the learning process. Engaging in dialogue help people to internalize concepts and develop higher-order thinking.

Social constructivism theory of learning

Besides, learning best takes place in an active context. This simply means that learners retain knowledge when they learn trough real-world experiences. In other words, the most effective way to learn is engaging in problem-solving and critical thinking. It is far more helpful to solving real-world problems rather than memorizing facts. This explains why students need to complete some tasks through group discussions, peer tutoring, and teamwork. The social constructivism theory of learning can be applied to various specific area, such as nursing education, cultural competence training, and patient-centered care. APA





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