Hello Marvelous, I’ve just sent you this group project about self determination and I’m ONLY doing the following part and my part should not be longer than two pages. The whole part one is divided correctly and given to us. So since question 3 requires two empirical articles, YOU WILL ONLY HAVE TO DO JUST ONE. THE OTHER MEMBER IN OUR GROUP WILL DO THE SECOND EMPIRICAL ARTICLE TOO.

My group consists of four people (One person will do question 1, the second person will do question 2, and two remaining people will share questions 3, which will be one empirical article each. but the total number of pages should not be longer than 5, so just do the calculation). The first person will have to do a page, the second person will also have to do a page and the last two will share the three pages remaining.

Self-determination theory
Self-determination theory

Part 1: Describe the Theory/Literature Review (4-5 pages)

There are many theories of motivation (see Appendix A for a list). In Part 1, you will pick one of these theories and describe it. You will then find two empirical articles that have conducted a study about this theory and discuss what the authors did, how it relates back to the theory, and what they found. Please note that each theory can only be picked by two groups.


Your group will write a 4-5-page paper in which you describe a theory of motivation and discuss two empirical studies that have been conducted on this theory. Use APA style Your paper should include the following:

3. Description of two empirical articles about this theory. When describing these articles, you should include the following (~3 pages).

a. What did the authors expect based on chosen theory (i.e., hypotheses or research questions)?

b. What did the authors do (i.e., method)?

c. What did the authors find particularly as it relates to the chosen theory (i.e., discussion or conclusion)?

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