To complete your assignment, please consider the following: Self-Care Deficit Theory
· Answers to the questions listed below should be detailed.
· APA format should be used including a title page and references. Label each section for the question you are answering. You will lose credit if you do not follow APA format.
· Please follow the grading rubric for this assignment very carefully
· Choose the same theorist for this assignment as for the assignment in Week 8. These are companion papers
· Follow the grading rubric. Review the grading rubric before submitting the paper

Choose a nurse theorist and utilize the following outline to analyze and evaluate the theoretical framework. The aim of this activity is to facilitate theory-guided nursing practice.
Dorothea Orem is the nursing theorist behind the c which defines when nursing is needed because a person is limited or incapable of providing self-care and needs help.
Question 1 – Significance of the theory (15 points)
· Does the theory deal with a topic that is currently important to society?
· Does the theory offer new insights about the topic?
· Is the theory important to nursing? Self-Care Deficit Theory
· How has the theory been used to guide nursing education, administration, and/or practice?
Question 2 – Context of the theory development (15 points)
· Who is the nursing theorist as a person and as a nurse?
· What are the major theoretical influences on this theory?
· What were major external influences on development of the theory?
Question 3 – The theory is internally consistent (15 points)
· Is the theory clearly defined?
· Are the concepts of the theory clearly linked?
· Are all terms and definitions of the theory consistent in discussions of the theory?
Question 4 – Parsimony of the theory (15 points)
· Is the theory stated as concisely as possible? Parsimony is met when the statements clarify rather than obscure the phenomena of interest. Self-Care Deficit Theory
Question 5 – Testability of the theory (15 points)
· Can the theory be empirically tested?
· Are the concepts of the theory measurable?
Question 6 – Pragmatic adequacy of the theory (15 points)
· Is the theory used in the real world?
· Are education and special skill training required to apply the theory?
· Is it feasible to implement this theory in nursing practice?
· Describe how you can apply this theory in your current or future nursing practice.
APA and Format (10 points)
Rubric Theoretical Critique Assignment