Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mood condition that occurs usually after childbirth in both men and women. PPD is caused mainly by hormonal changes genetic predisposition, and environmental factors. Some of the symptoms associated with this condition include; Irritability, Anxiety, Change in eating and sleeping schedules, Withdrawal from family and friends, loss of energy, and severe sadness. PPD however affects mostly women in pregnancy or 1 to 7 months after birth. Women affected in pregnancy are also most likely to have the condition even after childbirth. Postpartum depression and Social support

Social support is a great factor in the prevention and treatment of PPD. Some ways to get social support include; Participating in partnership groups comprised of new parents and finding a therapist. Engaging in activities that excite you, Getting aid in doing house chores and tasks, Asking family and friends for intervention. The treatments above all depend on the severity of the condition, in some cases, doctors have to prescribe antidepressant drugs. In this case, doctors also advise on feeding habits.
Postpartum depression is mostly treated by psychotherapy. It is mostly through talking about feelings that people find better ways to cope with PPD. In case of severity, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is recommended especially where medicine is not responsive. It entails passing small electrical charges through the brain intentionally, this causes changes in the brain chemistry reducing the effects of PPD. Having this condition does not mean that you are a bad person, it’s simply better to see a doctor or a psychologist to prevent the condition from progressing.
If you know someone suffering from Postpartum depression be patient, encourage them to talk about their feelings do not take their feelings and comments personally, and always try to offer encouraging and kind words.