Post-Implementation Results and Impact

State the postimplementation results. ,Discuss the impact on the organization.,
State limitations and how they impacted results. ,Discuss why the project is important
beyond the local site.

Post-Implementation Results and Impact

Table 1 and Figure 1 reflect APA (7th ed.) rules for table and figure formatting
and labeling. Note that any tables and figures should be mentioned by number in the
narrative text (e.g., “Table 1 includes …”) before they appear in the document. The point
size of table and figure text can be smaller than body text (which is 12 point) but no
smaller than 8 point. You may change the font inside tables and figures to a sans serif
font such as Arial if you wish. For guidance on formatting tables and figures in APA
Style, visit the Doctoral Capstone Form and Style webpage on tables and figures.
The general table note under Table 1 cites the source of a table that was originally
printed elsewhere. You must obtain permission from the copyright holder to reprint a
table or figure that is not in the public domain. Include letters of permission in an
appendix. Moreover Per APA 7.14, table and figure notes must be left justified and double spaced,
as shown here.

Table 1
Sample Table Showing Correct Formatting
Stub heading Column A Column B Column C Column D
Note. From “Attitudes Toward Dissertation Editors,” by W. Student, 2020, Journal of
Therefore, Academic Optimism, 98, p. 11 ( Copyright 2020 by
Academic Publishing Consortium. Reprinted with permission.
Figure 1
Sample Figure Showing Correct Formatting


Summarize the impact to the organization. Identify further recommendations that
might be considered. Discuss potential implications for nursing practice and for positive
social change, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Post-Implementation Results

The implementation of the staff education project yielded several positive outcomes:

  1. Increased Knowledge and Skills: Nurses demonstrated a significant improvement in their understanding of self-care management principles and the effective use of psychotropic medications. This was evidenced by higher scores on post-training assessments compared to pre-training scores.
  2. Improved Patient Outcomes: There was a noticeable decrease in patient nonadherence to prescribed psychotropic medications, leading to better health outcomes. Follow-up surveys indicated that patients felt more empowered and engaged in their treatment plans. APA

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