Part 1 Evaluate the Literature: One of the readings that I selected is Promoting health equity in the era of COVID-19 by Farley et al. (2020). My take-home messages are as follows. Firstly, healthcare inequality is both unfair and avoidable differences, as seen in health status between countries. Secondly, the factors that influence health outcomes during the Covid-19 pandemic include living environment, preexisting comorbidities, economic insecurity, and over-representation in lower-wage jobs. Thirdly, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected many minority populations disproportionately in the United States. In other words, great disparities exist when looking at the number of infections, deaths, and health outcomes between different races and ethnic groups. Despite accounting for only 26 percent of the country’s population, Black residents are the leading in Covid-19 deaths. Pharmacist and Covid-19 Literature Read more
My other selected reading is COVID-19 and Racial/Ethnic Disparities by Hooper, Nápoles, & Pérez-Stable, (2020). According to this article, most health disparities exist among African American and Latino individuals. For instance, the deaths associated with the Covid-19 pandemic in Chicago are higher among Latino and Black Americans than in any other racial group. The causes of health disparities include social determinants and structural determinants such as racism and discrimination. Additionally, the disparities are influenced by economic and educational factors such as health care quality and care access. It is interesting to note that public policies have been endowed with the power to enhance health and exacerbate health disparities. Lastly, the collection and distribution of Covid-19 data based on ethnic groups are critical as it guides the policy development, prevention measures, and intervention efforts. Pharmacist and Covid-19 Literature;
I would recommend Promoting health equity in the era of COVID-19 by Farley et al. (2020) for Pharm D students because it is detailed. The article also discusses the issues around Covid-19 with facts.
Part II Asses Nationwide COVID Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths by Race and Age
American Alaska is my population of choice. I picked this population because it experiences the highest health disparity rate, hence the increasing rate of hospitalization and deaths. From the infographics materials attached, we can see that American Alaska experiences 2.8x higher cases of Covid-19 infections, 5.3x higher hospitalization rate, and 1.4x higher deaths. Therefore, it experiences the highest number of infections, hospitalization, and deaths from the pandemic compared to all other racial groups. The elderly aged 85 years and above are at an increased risk of being hospitalized at 13x higher and are also at risk of death at 630x higher than all other age groups. Additionally, the population can use the CDC COVID-19 Response Health Equity Strategy proposals to reduce the Covid-19 disparities and achieve health equity.

As a pharmacy manager, I would discuss with my corporate supervisor three possible strategies relating to the issue of American Alaska and Covid-19. The first strategy could be to expand the evidence base. I would do this by enhancing collecting, analyzing, reporting, and distributing equity-related data to inform action during a public health emergency. The second strategy is to expand the programs for testing, contact tracing, isolation, and recovery to reach populations that have been put at increased risk of Covid-19. I would reach this by building community capacity to reach the disproportionately impacted populations. The third strategy is to expand the programs and activities aimed at complementing frontline workers’ efforts as far as Covid-19 transmission is concerned. I would do this by expanding the capacity to reach the frontline workers in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.
Part III Using potential differences in the burden of deaths due to Covid-19 based on race and ethnicity.
- Using unadjusted for age, the rate of death among the Non-Hispanic White stemming from Covid-19 is by far higher than the rate of death among the Non-Hispanic Native in the United States. This alludes to a racial disparity. (Figure 1)
- Using all ages-standardized, a disparity is noted as the rate of deaths associated with Covid-19 in Arizona is higher than deaths in all ages unadjusted in the same state. Therefore, there is a great racial disparity noted between all ages-standardized and all ages unadjusted. (Figure 2)
- Using age-specific differences, the deaths due to Covid-19 among Non-Hispanic Blacks in Delaware are exceedingly higher than other racial groups such as Non-Hispanic Asian, Non-Hispanic white, and Non-Hispanic American, among others. This portrays evidence of a racial disparity in the country (Figure 3a).
- Using differences by race and Hispanic origin in California State, the deaths among Hispanic Americans aged 35 and 44 are higher than all other age groups, including Non-Hispanic Asian, Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian. This shows the possibility of racial disparity in the country’s population. (Figure 3, b). Pharmacist and Covid-19 Literature;

Part IV
Like you, it has been a great experience learning this course. I am grateful for your commitment and efforts towards ensuring that we get the very best as a class from the course. I can confidently say that the class was a success as we managed to exhaust all the learning outcomes within the scheduled time, and that was incredible. The course coverage was also perfect. I must say I enjoyed every lesson we had. I appreciate the fact that you took time past the official office hours to respond to our concerns, and that helped. However, I suppose that in your next class, you should ensure that learners are more engaged. By this, I mean provide active learning opportunities, segment the lecture into shorter lessons, and often check learners’ comprehension by asking quick questions in between lectures. Additionally, provide easy access to learning materials to students at a good time. This may help students read the materials or watch the required sessions to prepare for the learning session. Pharmacist and Covid-19 Literature;