Paul’s letter to America by Martin Luther King, Jr. talks about the outstanding advances America has made in science. Through scientific advances such as dashing subways and flashing airplanes, Luther King Jr. states that the "scientific genius has dwarfed distance and placed time in chains. Luther King, Jr also talks of skyscraper buildings built in America and medical advances, which have brought the cure to severe diseases and plagues. However, Luther King, Jr noted that Americans’ morals and spiritual progress lags behind and cannot match their scientific progress. This paper will discuss three of the vices affecting America despite the major advancements in science, including disregard for ethical principles, a biased economic system, and segregation. Paul’s letter to American Christians

Luther King, Jr. tells Christians in America that they have a responsibility to represent
ethical principles when they are greatly disregarded. He remembers with precision some who pay
their undiluted allegiance to systems and customs made by men. 1 This is because they are afraid
to be different and thus want to fit in socially. Such Christians disregard ethical principles citing
that Everybody is doing it, so it must be all rights. This means that for many Christians in
America, morality is measured through group consensus. Similarly, they consider ways followed
by the masses to be the accepted ones. Luther King, Jr. reminds them not to conform to this
wors’s patterns but be transformed by the renewal of their minds.
Paul’s letter to American Christians
Luther King, Jr. implies that although capitalism has made America the wealthiest nation
in the world, it is a biased economic system. He cautions that capitalism if misused may lead to
tragic exploitation. This is because one-tenth of 1 percent of the population controls more than 40 percent of the wealth. This means that the capitalist economic system has taken away
necessities from the majority and given luxuries to a few individuals. He advocates for a better
distribution of wealth as provided by America’s democracy. It is also in line with God’s will that
all His children have life necessities.
Martin Luther King, Jr. described segregation as ‘a blatant denial of the unity we have in
Christ’s Segregation negatively impacts the souls and personalities of people in America. This is
because the relegated population often hold a false belief of inferiority and thus threatens
brotherhood in the community. Luther King, Jr. believes that churches should be at the forefront
in conquering segregation in America. The church should begin by aggressively standing against
all forms of injustices prevalent in the country. APA style