Anger is a powerful emotion that is felt by people when annoyed or frustrated by others.
Although anger is often associated with negative outcomes such as slumming of doors, breaking
of property, and throwing things, it can result in positive outcomes. I remember an instance
where anger led to positive outcomes. This is what happened, my friends from school and I had
organized for a road trip. We agreed on the amount to contribute each, venue, and the time to
meet for a common departure. I was eagerly waiting for the day, and so I woke up much early,
prepared myself, and started out towards where we had agreed to meet. Few of them had arrived
by that time, and the rest came in a few moments later. We had fun, and time for traveling going
back was nearing. One of the guys got drunk to the point that he became violent and wanted to
fight me. This angered me so much and was almost fighting back but did not. To my surprise, the
guy passed out a few minutes later, and as we were rushing him to hospital, he was confirmed
dead on arrival. Had I fought back; I would have been accused of murder that day. Outcomes of Anger; Read more

I remember another instance when I was driving my father’s car, and a lady I later came
to know was a learner who made an emergency stop on a busy highway. The emergency stop
broke my dad’s car bumper. I angrily came out to confront the lady, and, in the process, I slapped
her. Little did I know that a traffic police officer was a few meters from the scene and was
watching. I was asked to pay a fine and was never compensated by the lady. A more adaptive
response would have been nicely addressing the lady who was more than willing to listen and
pay for the damage. Outcomes of Anger;