Chronic conditions claim more lives than all other diseases combined in Europe (Coates,
2017). This article notes that the self-management of chronic conditions is an uphill task.
However, the process follows health guidelines in force, available resources, local service
provision, and the culture in which it is delivered. Self-management of chronic conditions entails
individual’s ability to manage lifestyle changes, symptoms, and physical consequences (Coates,
2017). However, patients require appropriate support from health care providers to improve the
quality of self-management of chronic conditions (Coates, 2017). This article aims to discuss the
challenges hindering the self-management of chronic conditions and nurses’ roles in helping
patients to self- manage chronic conditions. Nurses managing Chronic conditions

The success of self-management approach depends on whether patients understand their
conditions. This is the direct opposite of other treatment approaches where patients assume a
passive role and only follow clinicians’ directions. This article notes that there is a need for
patients to participate in different roles during the treatment of chronic conditions (Coates,
2017). Coates found that many patients have a problem adhering to behavioral changes that
complement the effective management of different health conditions (Coates, 2017). For
instance, patients find it challenging to take medicine as prescribed, attend checkup
appointments, and follow new healthy lifestyles. This article states that the effective self-
management of chronic conditions requires patients to have skills such as problem-solving,
capacity for action, patient-provider relationship, and self-tailoring (Coates, 2017).
Empowerment in health means enabling patients to adjust to the required behaviors and is
regarded as core element of self-management (Coates, 2017). Although it is essential, this article
noted that nurses are oftentimes not sufficiently equipped to empower their patients. Nurses play
a critical role in helping individuals with chronic conditions to self-manage their health. Health
care workers promoting self-management need to assume the role of enablers (Coates, 2017). In
other words, the role of health care professionals is to guide patients to make decisions relating
to their health. This article encourages nurses to employ different support strategies unique to
each patient as one approach may not work in different patients (Coates, 2017).
Nurses have a role in promoting health literacy among patients, as it helps support the
self-management of chronic conditions. Additionally, nurses need to act as health educators and work together with patients to ensure that they can manage chronic conditions (Coates, 2017). Nurses managing Chronic conditions
This is the same for nurses who adopt a coach approach to support self-management of chronic
conditions (Coates, 2017). A clinician perspective would not be effective as it only seeks for
improved health outcomes and not personal goals (Coates, 2017). In other words, nurses
promoting self-management in patients with chronic conditions need to ensure health literacy
among patients, adopt educator perspective and employ coach approach. Nurses managing Chronic conditions