NSG5905 Week 1 discussion- SOLVED. After completing this module’s readings, go to the South College library program guide for PMHNP. Then find a recent article from a scholarly, peer-reviewed publication published within the past five (5) years examining approaches to the neuropsychological and cognitive assessment of children.
Describe the assessment techniques discussed in the article.
The article examines the application of a virtual reality (VR) serious game as a method for assessing cognitive abilities in school-aged children with congenital heart disease (CHD). It compares their performance with that of typically developing (TD) children. The VR Serious Game is the main tool utilized for the assessment. It is designed to evaluate cognitive functions by immersing children in an interactive virtual environment that mimics real-life situations. Along with the VR game, children with CHD underwent neuropsychological assessments (NPA) between VR assessment blocks. The integration of NPA tests and VR assessments implies that a comprehensive clinical evaluation of cognitive functioning in children could incorporate the VR Serious Game.
How have the assessment techniques been modified, refined, or developed to aid in the assessment of children, adolescents, and young adults?
The assessment techniques are designed to be flexible, taking into account the developmental stage of each child or adolescent. Younger children tend to respond better to simpler, visually engaging tasks. However, older children and adolescents are able to tackle more intricate cognitive challenges. By tailoring the VR game’s content and format to different developmental levels, the assessment is both more relevant and precise. Additionally, the game allows participants to create personalized avatars and environments. This helps make the experience more comfortable and familiar for each individual. The VR assessments can be adjusted to accommodate a broad spectrum of ages and developmental stages, from younger children to adolescents. This adaptability ensures that the assessment is suitable for various age groups. It makes the same to be more scalable and applicable to different stages of development.
3. What are the developmental considerations related to the age of the child, adolescent, or young adult?
It is crucial that the VR game content is both engaging and appropriate for the developmental stage of each age group. Younger children tend to benefit from simpler tasks that offer immediate feedback. On the other hand, older adolescents and young adults are capable of handling more complex, abstract challenges. To accommodate cognitive development, VR assessments should be flexible, with tasks becoming progressively more difficult as children grow. As they age, the game can incorporate higher-level skills such as abstract reasoning, multitasking, and executive functioning. Additionally, different age groups may have varying tolerances for physical discomfort or disorientation when using VR technology.

4. Were there any contradictions to the material presented in the text readings for this week?
The article supports cognitive development theories, particularly Piaget’s theory, by aligning the VR assessment design with the developmental stages of children, adolescents, and young adults. Additionally, the game provides age-appropriate tasks that align with children’s cognitive abilities at various stages of development, facilitates engagement through active participation, and adapts to individual needs. However, the use of virtual environments as a tool for cognitive assessment may raise some questions in terms of Piaget’s emphasis on physical, real-world interactions. This new technological approach could be seen as a refinement or extension of Piaget’s theories. It offers new opportunities for cognitive development and assessment in ways that were not anticipated by traditional cognitive developmental frameworks.
5. What are the ethical and legal principles specific to the care of children, adolescents, and young adults that are related to these techniques and tools?
For minors, informed consent must usually be obtained from a parent or legal guardian. It is important to explain the VR assessment process and its potential in a way that is suitable for the child’s age. Besides, the data used for research or shared with other professionals should be anonymized or de-identifie to ensure confidentiality. As children mature, their ability to make decisions grows. Adolescents should be encouraged to engage in discussions about their involvement in assessments, with proper guidance from their caregivers. This approach respects their autonomy while considering their cognitive and emotional development. Additionally, the design of VR assessment tools should be mindful of cultural diversity.