The purpose of the threaded discussion is to promote dialogue among students and faculty related to course competencies. Additionally, it seeks to enhance mastery of knowledge related to course objectives. NSG5320 Week 2 emotional intelligence

NSG5320 Week 2 emotional intelligence
NSG5320 Week 2 emotional intelligence


  • In completing this assignment, students need to provide the initial substantive response to the discussion question/topic(s) posted by the course faculty. This should be done by Friday of those weeks with a discussion board assignment. 
  •  Also, students should provide a minimum of two additional responses to two student colleagues. Evidently, this should be done on two different days by Tuesday of those weeks with a discussion board assignment. 
  • All questions posed to the initial student post by course faculty need to be answered by the student to earn full credit for the discussion board assignment.
  • Furthermore, this should be substantive feedback to a student colleague’s response to the question/topic posted by the course faculty. All responses must be respectful and thoughtful. 

Moreover, discussion boards are not opinion boards. Claims and constructs presented in the original post need to be supported with scholarly evidence. In other words, citations must be provided. cholarly resources are not required for for peer-response posts. However, providing references would help to strengthen posts. Students must cite information taken from a source. Include references for posts that are synthesized from the course text, peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources. Besides, the course faculty will monitor for the compliance of citations with Turnitin. Discussion posts will be evaluated intermittently during the course session. 

Discussion Prompt:

Briefly describe the elements of emotional intelligence.

  • Which elements demonstrate proficiency, and how do you leverage them to lead?
  • Which elements must you improve, and what steps can you take to accomplish this? 

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