NSG/486CA Global Health and GHI

Global Health and GHI Presentation 

This assessment has 2 parts:

  • Part 1: Evaluate your global health knowledge by assessing an emerging global health issue (GHI). Address factors that exacerbate the issue and develop a plan for improvement.
  • Part 2: Present information about an identified GHI that is of importance to your patient population.
Part 1: GHI Presentation 

Imagine you are a nurse working with Doctors Without Borders to address an emerging GHI in a specific country or region of the world. You are preparing to travel to the country or region to improve an issue or illness. Your director has requested that you prepare a presentation about the issue or illness for your fellow staff. NSG/486CA Global Health and GHI

Choose an emerging health issue within a specific country or region (e.g., sex trafficking occurring in the U.S. states bordering Mexico).

NSG/486CA Global Health and GHI

Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with detailed speaker notes, in which you analyze an emerging GHI related to the country or region of the world of your choice.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Clearly summarize your chosen GHI and explain how and why this issue impacts populations within your chosen country or region.
  • Analyze the cause of the GHI. Consider:
  • Individual issues (e.g., personal hygiene)
  • Community (e.g., resources, demographics)
  • Family roles and structures (e.g., single-parent households)
  • Culture (e.g., values, beliefs)
  • Environmental issues (e.g., access to technology and healthcare, geographic concerns)
  • Examine the factors that continue to exacerbate the GHI. Consider:
  • Individual
  • Family
  • Community
  • Culture
  • Environmental
  • Create an action plan to improve the GHI. Consider:
  • Education
  • Communication
  • Relief workers (interprofessional team)
  • Technology

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Speaker notes: The slides should only contain essential information and as little text as possible (e.g., slides with long bullet points). Your speaker notes should convey the details you would give if you were presenting.
  • References slide

Cite at least 5 peer-reviewed sources in your presentation.

Format citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Part 2: Clinical Activities – Disease Prevention Education

At your community agency (Sikh Temple), discuss an emerging GHI with your patient population. Choose a GHI that is likely to affect the patient population at your community agency (e.g., COVID 19, Emerging GHIs may include, but are not limited to, infectious disease, human-trafficking, maternal and newborn health, health inequities, and maldistribution of health care workers.

Use the nursing process, communication techniques, and modalities that you have become familiar with to deliver health counseling. As part of your counseling about GHIs, include resources available in the community to mitigate or prevent the issue (e.g., free vaccines, social services, food banks, housing, transportation, law enforcement).

Note: Schedule as many educational sessions as necessary to complete the required 12 direct-care clinical hours for this assessment. Include the time spent evaluating the sessions as part of your clinical hours. However, the time spent writing this summary cannot be included in the calculation/achievement of your direct-care hours.

Evaluate the effectiveness of your health counseling by providing examples of how the individual, family, or group might prevent the emerging health issue.

Write a 350-word summary of your Week 5 patient-education activities that includes:

  • Description of the interactions with the patient population
  • Description of the outcome(s) of the teaching/health counseling sessions
  • Discussion of how you met the objective(s) in Week 5

Format your summary according to APA guidelines.

Compile your presentation from Part 1: GHI Presentation and your summary from Part 2: Clinical Activities: Disease Prevention Education for submission.

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