Navigating Prescribing Practices and Challenges

Take a moment to watch this video on prescribing practices. , This represents just one of the many situations you will face once you receive prescriptive authority.  Take a moment to discuss this issue. How should you handle the requests from loved ones to provide treatment?  What other issues do you imagine you might face once your role changes from administration of medications to prescribing medications?  Post additional videos if you find anything interesting to share.

Enhancing Nurse Education for Adherence


  • The grades from the discussion boards will be equally
  • Each discussion board assignment has a total value of ten (10) points. Your answers are worth eight (8) points and your replies to your classmates are worth two (2) points. Points will be deducted as follows:
  1. Six (6) points will be deducted for any post in which the answer or replies:
    1. Addresses only a portion of the question(s) posed
    2. Contains inaccurate or imprecise information/discussion
    3. Contain punctuation, spelling, grammar or usage errors
    4. Contain a disrespectful or inappropriate tone/language usage
  2. Eight (8) points will be deducted if you fail to post an answer or if it is posted after the deadline.
  3. Two (2) points will be deducted if you fail to post at least two (2) replies to a posting or if you post after the

Navigating Prescribing Practices and Challenges

  • Late discussion responses and replies will receive no credit. Do not wait to the last minute to post your answer. Posting early allows you to write thoughtful answers and to be the first one to make important points. Posting early also ensures that you will not miss the deadline.
  • The discussion board is not an informal chat room. Your answers and replies should be thoughtful, considerate, and use collegiate level language and


  • As a class, you will benefit from the discussion boards only as much as you put into it. If someone replies to your post with a question, you owe him or her the courtesy of a response.
  • Each week, I will read all the posts and comments posted to the discussion board. I will comment, where appropriate, on those posts or discussion threads that contain inaccuracies or where there seems to be some confusion. I will also point out those posts/discussions that I thought were particularly thoughtful, insightful, or well
  • With regard to replies to other students, you can:

Navigating Prescribing Practices and Challenges

  1. Expand on or clarify a point made in the
  2. Offer an additional argument to support a position taken in an
  3. Suggest ways in which an idea could be more clearly
  4. Identify passages where you think the writer misunderstood a concept or applied it incorrectly.
  5. Disagree with a point or position made in an
    • If you are disagreeing with the views of another student, please be constructive and
    • You may criticize a position but not the author. State precisely the point with which you disagree. Offer reasons why you think their view is incorrect and support your position by citing the text or other APA

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