The Modern Language Association is a writing style used for academic papers in the arts and humanities. MLA outlines the guidelines of a professional paper, including aspects such as heading, in-text citations, works cited page, quotations, and  margin size. MLA places more emphasis on authorship than the other styles do since it deals with the humanities. In MLA formar, the sources page is referred to as the works cited page. It appears appears at the end of the paper that is after any endnotes. This style requires that students use block quotes for quotations that are above four lines. Besides, in the MLA style, students do not need to include periods between ambreviation letters. An example, it is appropriate to use US instead of U.S. Modern Language Association (MLA) style 

Modern Language Association (MLA) style
Modern Language Association (MLA) style

The other thing to note in using MLA is that a 1-inch margin along all sides of the paper is needed except in the running head. Also, the text needs to be in either Times New Roman or Arial fonts between size 11 and 13. The other unique thing that should be present in an MLA paper is a running head. The running head should have the author’s last name and the page number in the top-right corner. The title page of an MLA paper includes contents such as the author’s name, instructor’s name, course number, and the due date of the paper.

Furthermore, students using MLA should spell out a number if it begins a sentence or try rephrasing the sentence with a different opening. More so, students using the Modern Language Association should not abbreviate date but use either the month-day-year or day-month-year formats. The other thing to note is a person’s full name should be used the first time they are mentioned.

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