Individual change is at the heart of everything that is achieved in organizations. Once individuals have the motivation to do something different, the whole world can begin to change. The conspiracy laws in the UK
recognize this capacity for big change to start small. In some legal cases, the merest nod or a wink between two people seems to be considered adequate evidence to indicate a conspiratorial act. In some respects this type of law indicates the incredible power that individuals have within them to challenge existing power strongholds and alter the way things are done. However, individuals are to some extent governed by the norms of the groups they belong to, and groups are bound together in a whole system of groups of people that interconnect in various habitual ways. Making Sense of Change Management

So the underpinning theory story is not always that simple. Individuals, teams and organizations all
play a part in the process of change, and leaders have a particularly onerous
responsibility: that is, making all this happen.
We divided this book into three parts so that readers could have the
option either to start their journey through this book by first reading
about the theory of change, or to begin by reading about the practical
applications. We understand that people have different preferences.
However, we do think that a thorough grounding in the theory is useful
to help each person to untangle and articulate his or her own assumptions about how organizations work and how change occurs. Do you, for
instance, think that organizations can be changed by those in leadership
positions to reach a predetermined end state, or do you think that people
in organizations need to be collectively aware of the need for change
before they can begin to adapt? Assumptions can be dangerous things
when not explored, as they can restrict your thinking and narrow down
your options.
Part One comprises five chapters. These have been chosen to represent
five useful perspectives on change: individual change, team change,
organizational change, leading change and the role of the change agent.
Chapter 1 draws together the four key approaches to understanding individual change. These are the behavioural, cognitive, psychodynamic and
humanistic psychology approaches. This chapter also looks at the connection between personality and change, and how to enable change in others
when you are acting in a managerial role. Use MLA