Letters of Paul & Revelation; The Church at Philippi was more friendly than other churches such as the one in Galatia as well as one in Corinth. This is because Paul has a friendlier tone when writing this letter and spends a significant part of it exhorting the church. In the letter, Apostle Paul also addressed the issue of two women who are at odds with each other Euodia and Syntyche. Paul advices them to settle their scores and live at peace with one another.
Based on his letter to Thessalonians, Paul deliberately chose to live in urban areas as this would allow him to meet and address potential converts. Paul recounts that the time he spent among the Thessalonians. He worked night and day so that he may not burden any of them while proclaiming the Gospel of God. Apostle Paul engaged in several occupations but used animal skins as his sole material, as seen in Acts 18:3.

The book of Revelations describe the end-time events. It also speaks a message of hope to the elect suffering under the oppressive powers of this dark world. The book is addressed to the seven churches across Asia, as seen in Revelation 1:11. Secondly, the message of hope is seen in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. The seven churches as seen to experience difficulties in persecution, apathy, and false teachings. To the churches that have done right despite the difficulties, Christ promises a reward. However, judgment awaits to the churches that fallen away. Moreover, the book of Revelations talks about the heavenly vision from the beginning of the world to its end.
One of the visions is the one John sees the throne of God surrounded by twenty-four human beings referred to as elders and four living creatures. Besides, he saw a vision of the lamb standing as if it had been slaughtered. APA style