Leadership development programs expand the capacity of individuals to effectively perform in leadership roles within an organization. Leadership development is a common phenomenon in succession planning, which entails producing leaders of high-calibre to take up senior leadership positions when they fall vacant. It is estimated that over $150 billion is spent on leadership development every year (Buchanan & Badham, 2020). As a matter of fact, leadership development in the United States spent approximately $166 billion as of 2019 (Fobes, 2019). Even with the high expenditure, however, some people argue that most of the money is wasted. This paper will explicitly discuss four key elements needed in a strong and successful leadership development program as well as explain why the elements are important.

Leadership Development Program
Leadership Development Program

A strong and successful leadership development program must be built on accountability. Accountability in leadership development programs occurs when individuals deliver on their commitment. In other words, accountable leaders are those who show others that they can be trusted to do what they commit themselves to do. Leaders also demonstrate accountability by assuming responsibility for the outcomes of their actions and decisions (Baek & Bramwell, 2016). Accountability is a key element because it helps eliminate the time and energy that individuals use on unproductive activities (Baek & Bramwell, 2016). Leadership Development Program

Multiple methods of learning leadership concepts should be incorporated to achieve a strong and successful leadership development program. It is worth noting that different leaders learn new leadership concepts through different methods. Conductors of leadership development programs should, therefore, incorporate methods such as in-person conferences, written materials, assignments, executive coaching, and self-directed learning to mention a few (Baek & Bramwell, 2016). In other words, the person in charge of a leadership development program should ensure that the preferred learning methods of learners are considered. This is important because multiple methods of learning increase the ability to master the leadership learning concepts (Baek & Bramwell, 2016).  Read more

Communication is a key element for a strong and successful leadership development program. Leaders do not only need communication but also effective and up-to date communication skill. Effective learning skills can be learned at all hours of the day be it one-on-one conversation, be it phone calls, text messages, videoconferencing or listening to presentations (Baek & Bramwell, 2016). Leaders at all levels in an organization need communication skill to effectively communicate the goals and the vision of the organization to subordinates. Communication is a key element because it is through communication that leaders motivate their juniors to achieve the set goals (Baek & Bramwell, 2016). Leadership Development Program

A strong and successful leadership development program requires a small, focused, and supportive leadership groups. For a start, an organization should create small core groups of leaders who are in leadership positions (Baek & Bramwell, 2016). Experts encourage the formation of small groups because they are mor effective as each individual in the group has added attention and time to work on their skills. Additionally, small groups facilitate a greater level of support and connection among members (Baek & Bramwell, 2016).

In summary, there are four key elements needed in a strong and successful leadership development program. It is estimated that over $150 billion is spent on leadership development every year although most of the money is wasted. The four key elements include accountability, multiple learning methods, communication, and small leadership groups. Accountability helps eliminate the time and energy that individuals use on unproductive activities. Multiple methods of learning, on the other hand, increase the ability to master the leadership learning concepts.  Communication help organizational leaders to motivate their juniors to achieve the set goals. Small leadership groups facilitate a greater level of support and connection among members.




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