Intersectionality is simply an acceptance that everyone at a given point, in their own way, faces discrimination either because of their physical ability, race, or class. Intersectionality Theory centers on understanding how various forms of disadvantages or inequality form obstacles. Crenshaw used intersectionality to show how gender race, class, and other systems combine to shape the experiences of many by making room for privilege. An example of intersectionality is a woman with disability discriminated against because of her gender and probably her disability.

Intersectionality is relative because it shows how gender race, and other components “intersect” to shape the experiences of individuals. It encompasses six core ideas; social inequality, complexity, social justice, power, and social context. Incorporating these ideologies into the quantitative population or health research study requires using intense qualitative research, and CBPR approaches. Discrimination is categorized into five types; victimization, sexual harassment, disability, domestic abuse, and grounds of discrimination.
Some advantages of intersectionality include promoting better alliances, enhancing creativity and collaboration, developing proactive empathy, and discouraging stereotypes and bias. Understanding intersectionality creates empathy by allowing us to step into the shoes of others and consider their experiences. This improves professional ethics in workplaces. The positive changes are also felt in homes and social gatherings. however, intersectionality as a theoretical framework has failed to identify the difference between the struggles of marginalized and majoritarian dominance. The marginalized identities and their struggles are emancipatory struggles, whereas majoritarian identity politics is the politics of dominance.
Intersectionality is a tool for understanding invisible power relations and how they shape inequality, not identity. Intersectionality looks at compounding systems of oppression and how these play out in individual’s lives. It instead aims to shed light on how multiple dimensions and systems of inequality interact with one another and create distinct experiences.