Influences on Primate Social Structure
Chapter Seven: Primate Behavior
1. List and explain the factors that influence social structure in primate society.Influences on Primate Social Structure

The factors that influence social structure in primates include; body size, human
activities, relationship with other species, and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Primates with a
large body size require fewer calories per unit weight compared to smaller animals. Human
activities such as hunting and forest clearing negatively impacts the primates as they disrupt,
isolate, and reduce the available resources causing extinction. The primates
do associating with other primates or non-primate species for many reasons one of which is
predator avoidance. Small animals have a higher BMR compared to large animals and thus
require diets rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Chapter Eight: Primate and Hominin Origins
1 Please identify the characteristics that exemplify the pre-Australopiths.

The pre-Australopiths had a mix of human and ape characteristics. The characteristics
include a flat nose, a strong projecting lower jaw, small brain, curved fingers and long and strong

2 Identify the various species of Australopithecus and give key points for each.

The species of Australopithecus are afarensis, anamensis, bahrelghazali, boisei, robustus,
aethiopicus, and africanus. Afarensis dates to at least 3.75 million years ago, was 3.5- 5ft tall,
and weighed 20-50 kilograms. Boisei and robustus had similar
characteristics among them large premolar and molars, and thick jaws. Anamensis lived over 4
million years ago and had a human-like ankle joint, and expanded shin bone. Bahrelghazali had large molars and canines, tooth enamel, and premolars with three roots.
Aethiopicus had a powerful jaw, strong protruding face, and large teeth. Africanus could walk on
two legs, had long arms, and slightly curved finger and toe bones.

Biological Anthropology Exam #3Chapter Nine: Primate First Dispersal of the Homo: Homo erectus and
1. List and explain the various evolutionary trends that have been discovered for
Homo erectus.
2. Please identify and explain in detail the differences between the first known tool
industry of Australopithecines and Homo erectus.

Chapter Ten: Premodern Humans

1. The authors identified specific areas of Neanderthal culture, please identify and
explain their importance.

Chapter Eleven: The Origin and Dispersal of Modern Humans
1. Please identify and explain the different theories that explained human expansion.
2. Explain the importance of the technological and artistic developments in early
human history. APA

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