Employee motivation is key to ensuring that an organization accomplishes goals within the stipulated time. Organization leaders should know that kills and experience alone are not enough to stimulate employees to perform tasks. It should also be noted that different employees are motivated by various factors. Employees working in the Libyan banking sector, for instance, cite being motivated by factors such as employee training, teamwork, and effective leadership. The situational leadership style was found to have a positive correlation with employee motivation in Oman. Employees in Oman are also motivated by involvement and good relationships between them and organizational leaders. Female employees in Malaysia are strongly motivated by leadership styles, such as transactional leadership, transformational leadership, and laissez-faire leadership. Male employees are motivated by only laissez-faire leadership and transactional leadership styles. Increasing Employee Motivation

McLaughlin, P., Al-Ashaab, A., & Rashid, H. (2017). Factors influence employee engagement leveraging by organizational culture (pilot study in the Libyan banking sector). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(1), 88-101. https://doi.org/10.9790/0837-22010388101
The banking sector of Libya began experiencing hurdles after the emergence of political upheavals that saw Muammar Gadhafi’s regime overthrown in 2011. The reason is that the government controls financial institutions in Libya. The sector needs to leverage staff engagement as a way of establishing a successful organizational culture. This article aimed to study the factors that influence employee engagement leveraging by corporate culture. The literature reviewed by McLaughlin et al. found that employee engagement is a mix of employees’ attitudes and behaviors. Engagement plays a critical role in promoting performance, especially when an organization is facing difficult times.
This paper’s qualitative data was collected from four banks whose headquarters are in the capital city of Libya, Tripoli. McLaughlin et al. conducted interviews with managers and regular employees in three of the selected banks. The interview questions were short-structured, and the employees who participated were chosen at random. The authors found that open and free upward communication from subordinates to managers is an important factor in enabling employee engagement. They also noted that elements that are key to organizational culture, including training, opportunities to increase knowledge, effective leadership, and teamwork have a positive correlation with employee engagement. Factors such as corruption and nepotism in the banks were, however, found to affect participation negatively.
Al-Bahri, A. A. S. K., & Othman, K. B. (2019). The role of leadership in increasing employees’ motivation and productivity. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5(14), 1134-1143. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Khatijah_Othman/publication/338884976_THE_ROLE_OF_LEADERSHIP_IN_INCREASING_EMPLOYEES’_MOTIVATION_AND_PRODUCTIVITY/links/5e313a8a299bf1cdb9f95b79/THE-ROLE-OF-LEADERSHIP-IN-INCREASING-EMPLOYEES-MOTIVATION-AND-PRODUCTIVITY.pdf
Productivity is one of the crucial factors affecting the overall performance of an organization. Studies have revealed that employees who are not motivated are not productive and are more likely to quit employment. This paper aimed to discuss the role of leadership in increasing the motivation and productivity of Oman employees. Al-Bahri and Othman were motivated to conduct this study due to inadequate information regarding the role of leadership in increasing motivation and productivity of employees in Oman. The authors used an online questionnaire approach to attract potential respondents.
The literature reviewed noted that leaders play a significant role in shaping the behavior of employees. For instance, empowering leadership positively correlates with psychological empowerment, which influences employee engagement and motivation. Similarly, situational leadership has a positive association with employee productivity in the workplace. Al-Bahri and Othman found that leadership styles play a critical role in motivating employees to increase productivity. Considering the suggestions of employees in major undertakings was also found to increase employee motivation. The authors also noted that relationships between employees and leaders are necessary to improve workers’ profitability. Leadership roles that impact employee motivation include planning, controlling, initiating, supporting, informing, and evaluating.
Salleh, S. S. M. M., Fareed, M., & Hamzah, A. W. (2018). Gender differences in leadership styles and their impact on employees’ motivation. International Journal of Management Business Research, 8(2), 86-97. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330673909_Gender_Differences_in_Leadership_Styles_and_its_Impact_on_Employees%27_Motivation
Employee motivation is among the main reasons behind organizational success. Employee motivation is, to a great extent, affected by the leadership style used in an organization. This article states that leadership is the only factor determining whether an organization can effectively accomplish goals. This article aimed to examine the relationship between the styles of leadership used in an organization and employee motivation. The study further considered the influence of gender on the prevailing relationship between employee motivation and leadership styles. The literature reviewed by Salleh et al. revealed that employee motivation is necessary for the achievement of organizational goals.
The authors collected using survey questionnaires and analyzed the data using the Partial Least Squares based approach. The study questionnaires were distributed to 150 individuals working in Malaysia, but only 110 returned complete questionnaires. The returned questionnaires were divided into two, according to gender. Salleh et al. found that transactional leadership, transformational leadership, and laissez-faire leadership styles increase female employees’ motivation. It means that female employees prefer the three leadership styles to the rest. On the other hand, male employees were strongly motivated by laissez-faire leadership and transactional leadership only. In other words, different leadership styles impact employee motivation differently depending on gender. Increasing Employee Motivation