Incorporating Social Change in StudiesIncorporating Social Change in Studies

Incorporating Social Change in My Program of Study and Professional Practice

Understanding Social Change

Social change involves transforming societal structures, norms, and values to create a more equitable and just environment. As I pursue my program of study, I aim to integrate principles of social change into both my academic and professional practices.

Strategies for Incorporating Social Change

  1. Curriculum Engagement:
    • Course Selection: I will choose courses that focus on social justice, community engagement, and public policy. This will provide me with a theoretical foundation and practical tools to understand and address social issues.
    • Research Projects: I plan to conduct research that explores the impact of systemic inequalities and evaluates programs aimed at promoting social change.

Review The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN, 2006) in this week’s
Learning Resources and reflect on the competencies presented.
Review Walden University’s mission, vision, and university outcomes.
Reflect on your professional and academic goals. Consider how Walden’s mission and vision as well as
the AACN’s perspective may fit with your goals. How might you incorporate a commitment to social
change into your academic and professional plans?
How might your academic and professional goals align with addressing the social determinants of

By Day 7 of Week 2
Explain how your academic and professional goals align with Walden’s vision mission social change
message social determinants of health, and ,University outcomes as well as the AACN DNP Essentials. Be
Explain how you plan to incorporate social change throughout your program of study and in professional
practice. Be sure to include how social change may contribute to your practicum/field experience and
your role in professional practice.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction,
summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an
example of those required elements (available at to an
external site.). All papers submitted must use this formatting. APA

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