The inclusion of women in the economy is considered critical. According to Obaid (2020), there are many ways through which women can be involved in a country’s economy including labor, decision-making, financing, and digital inclusion. In other words, the inclusion of women in these four areas would not only result in a robust economy but also greatly empower women.

One of the findings in this article is that inclusion ensures that women achieve financial independence. In other words, financial independence ensures that women in Saudi Arabia become more confident and take part in building the country’s economy. Additionally, this article found that there is a need for equal participation of women in both the design and technology. This is because it increases confidence and reduces stereotyping among women in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, this article found it necessary for the inclusion of women in the decision-making process. This is because it ensures that women are also consulted in the process of making important decisions pertaining to the country’s economy.
This article found that women empowerment in Saudi Arabia is essential for the social development of the country. In other words, women empowerment in the country is consistent with the 2030 social development agenda. The author of this article observed that empowerment of women is a broad step towards eliminating discrimination based on gender. The Saudi Ministry of Human Resource and social development is working tirelessly to ensure that discrimination based on gender is eliminated in the country. Order
Patriarchy and Women Independence
Coordination and collaboration were found to be among the factors that strongly support women empowerment and the inclusion of women in the economic growth of Saudi Arabia. This is because coordination and collaboration ensure that woman understand the development priorities. Patriarchy and Women Independence is the second theme identified in the portal’s analysis. The article points to a ruling that allowed women in the country to enjoy their constitutional right, freedom of movement. In other words, the ruling allowed women in the country to travel without necessarily asking for permission from their fathers. The article concludes that the finding is in line with the global women’s rights and human rights.
Additionally, the article found that family support is essential in enabling women working in Saudi Arabia to gain breakthrough and progress as they pursue their careers and professions. The author took special notice of the role played by mothers, children, and other family members play in ensuring that women gain courage to excel in their workplaces.
Breaking into Traditional Male-Dominated Careers
The analysis showed that women in Saudi Arabia began venturing into male-dominated jobs in the country such as ambulance driving. Women in the country have also demonstrated creativity of the highest order by exploring and taking up new job opportunities. Saudi women have also proved that when given an opportunity, they could be innovative to a point that they can compete with their male counterparts. Interestingly, women in Saudi Arabia have also ventured into sporting activities. This is a broad step as participating in sports enhances economic diversification and is considered critical in building a vibrant society. Women in sports are so aggressive to a point that they even compete for club leadership positions which are often male-dominated. Awatef Al-Sahoo became the first women in Saudi Arabia female to run for a club’s presidency and this paved a way for other women to join the league. Moreover, women in Saudi Arabia have captured military industries. The analysis found that a Saudi woman became the first to obtain a license from the General Authority for Military Industries (GAMI). This means that a woman was tasked with the responsibility to supply the army personnel with clothing that could be used to protect them from biological weapons. Read more
Barrier Factors for Career and Professional Progression of Saudi Women
Legal restrictions and social behaviors are the greatest obstacles for women’s empowerment and progress is Saudi Arabia. The author of this article states that he is hopeful that the current reforms in the kingdom will help remove the barriers. The social behaviors and stereotypes also play a significant a role in barring women from exploiting their full potential in their careers. Additionally, women have a negative perception of how confident and how courageous they are and this affects their career and professional development. This article found that women who developed confidence in themselves and recognized their special abilities achieved greater.