Humanity vs. Ebola; Speaker Bruce Aylward discusses the winning strategies in a terrifying war of Ebola. View the 19:15 minute video clip and on discussion board, share two major influential thoughts that resulted after viewing Aylward’s presentation. Then respond to a minimum of two of your classmates submissions. Humanity Vs. Ebola; Get to watch the video HERE

Humanity Vs. Ebola;
Humanity Vs. Ebola; Ebola is a type of viral hemorrhagic fever that affects both humans and primates. The signs and symptoms of Ebola begin to manifest between two and twenty-one days after. Humanity Vs. Ebola;

contracting the virus. The major symptoms of the disease include muscular pain, sore throat,
fever, and severe headache. Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in the
Democratic Republic of Congo and has since then infected people from time to time. This paper
will discuss two influential thoughts about Ebola as seen in Bruce Aylward's presentation.
One of the major influential thoughts about Ebola, as seen in Aylward's presentation, is
that it can be beaten. Humanity vs. Ebola;

Share two major influential thoughts that resulted after viewing Aylward’s presentation on the winning strategies in a terrifying war of Ebola. Humanity Vs. Ebola;

Humanity Vs. Ebola; Aylward mentioned four things that are critical to stopping Ebola. Firstly,
the communities need to understand the disease, how it is spread, and how to stop it. Secondly, it
is critical to have systems in place to track every case, trace contacts of the case, and track the
transmission chains to stop transmission. Thirdly, it is imperative to have specialized Ebola
treatment centers. Lastly, it would be essential to ensure a safe and dignified burial process for
those who succumb to the disease (Aylward, 11:20-12:05). It is interesting to note that the four
strategies worked in Nigeria and Senegal, among other African countries. Humanity vs. Ebola;

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